LAPASO - Label Free Particle Sorting
Full Partners
Associate Partners
The full partners of LAPASO receive funding and recruit fellows.
Lund University, Sweden (Prof Jonas Tegenfeldt and Prof Thomas Laurell) - microfluidics (Tegenfeldt group and Laurell group)
University of Southampton, UK (Prof Hywel Morgan) - microfluidics and electrokinetics
University of Glasgow, UK (Prof Michael Barrett and Dr Lisa Ranford-Cartwright) - parasitology (Barrett and Ranford-Cartwright)
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany (Prof Gerhard Gompper) - fluidics and cell modelling
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden (Prof Birgitta Henriques-Normark) - bacteriology
TU Dresden, Biotechnology Center, Germany (Prof Jochen Guck) - cell mechanics
Micronit Microfluidics, Netherlands (Dr Monica Brivio) - microfluidics
Elvesys SAS, France (Dr Guilhem Velvé Casquillas) - microfluidics
The associated partners of LAPASO collaborate closely with the full partners in the project and serve as hosts for the recruited fellows during limited-time secondments.
Sharp Laboratories of Europe, UK - electrowetting
Zellmechanik Dresden GmbH, Germany - Real-time Deformability-Cytometry
NIMR at Amani Research Centre (NIMR), Tanzania - medicine
Joseph Paschal MUGASA (main contact)
University of Ghana Medical School, Ghana - medicine
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, UK - training in clinical parasitology
Hackteria | Open Source Biological Art, Switzerland - DIY Biology
Foundation for innovative new diagnostics, Switzerland - broad access to diagnostics
© Stefan Holm 2014